Direct marketing is still a strong media channel. Direct marketing is still a powerful media channel in today’s multi-media environment. The best way to pin down the truth of that sentiment is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of direct marketing vs. digital marketing.

Advantages of Marketing Direct

* Remains an effective and popular media channel. A survey of marketers found that 57% thought white papers or research reports were effective. It’s still very popular, and it is effective. White papers are used by 61% of marketers.

*A powerful media channel that educates and brands.10* 0200101010 Education of potential buyers regarding complex solutions and products is the core of B2B marketing. There are data sheets, research reports and brochures that can be used to educate potential buyers about complex products. Market direct offers a complete solution, including branding, lead generation and customer nurturing.

*Tailored content for targeted audiences. There are many forms of marketing content that can be used to meet the needs of prospects at any stage in their buying process. B2B marketers have the ability to tailor their content to specific audiences. This is why it’s so important. It’s essential because it ensures you provide relevant, useful and timely information your prospects want and need.

Disadvantages of Marketing Direct

* Social media’s explosive growth will crush marketing direct. There is clearly a rise in mobile and online media consumption. Meanwhile growth in marketing direct shows no growth. The marketing world is changing and digital media may be the best way to reach prospects.

* Decision-makers don’t have enough time to read. Real-time marketing is impossible to beat.

Social Media’s success is dependent on the speed of its messaging and how responsive it is. Social media is fast and easy to use. Customer engagement with social media is unrivaled.Go with Tried-and-True or Up-and-Coming?In nutshell, marketing direct clearly remains a stalwart. It’s effective. It’s efficient. It’s highly useful in B2B.

On one side, digital marketing has seen impressive growth. This is gaining popularity quickly. Given this backdrop, rather than throwing your eggs in one basket, you can benefit from combining marketing direct and digital.

Combining them helps smooth out the ups and downs of both for maximum effectiveness. These two channels offer much more than one channel alone.

This makes it a compelling argument to continue using both. These synergies will help you maximize your marketing budget and create more relevant and engaging marketing content.