
Among the basic foundations of a thriving profitable business is an active, ongoing, and professional-looking outbound marketing presence. This applies to any business whether it is a small business or large corporation with multiple employees. This list does not change no matter how small or large your company.

Improvement #1. Maintain Website Current

Your most important marketing tool is your website. Your website will work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is where everyone goes to find out more about your company and you. It must be running at maximum performance. Each link should be active and each graphic and image must look the way it was intended. You must ensure that each pdf works properly and that all links within it work. You must ensure that your statistics and dates are accurate. Your pages should be easy to find and navigate. These details can be easy to forget or overlook. But first impressions are extremely important, so make sure that every detail of your website always looks good and is working properly.

Improvement #2. Make An Emotional Connection

The most powerful and fundamental part of a successful marketing plan is one that can make an emotional connection with your prospects and your customers. It is essential for your company’s survival and growth. Your ability to win over customers and their hearts, minds, dollars, is dependent on this relationship. Few companies care enough to build an emotional relationship with customers and prospects, no matter how small or big they may be. But by showing your customers how much you care about them, and proving to them that you really want to keep them as customers, you can build a base of loyal customers that will not be so quick to leave you for your competition.

Improvement #3. Building Your Lists

Improve #3. Every format can be important in your marketing strategy. One format might be preferred by some prospects or customers over another. It will all depend on the type of business you run and your customers. However, no matter what format you or your customers prefer, it is important to build these lists regularly. Your email list could be built by giving away a pdf file. A free sample might help build your direct mail list. You might build your social media list on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Although each list has its benefits, limits, and demographics, all can and should play an important role in your marketing plan.

Improvement #4. Change it up

Don’t be afraid of trying something different. If you’re the only one creating your marketing materials, then don’t be scared to ask your family or Fiverr friends for help. Sometimes you might feel stuck in your own creative process or too familiar with the topic to write effective copy. Your marketing materials might be given a new lease of life if you allow someone to look at them from a different perspective. Shaking it up might be the difference between your business thriving or dying.


These are some of the basic, but essential, marketing efforts that you should always be paying attention to and improving. These are the essential marketing efforts that you must always be thinking about and improving. You can make improvements to any one of the outbound marketing strategies, but if your goal is to appear more professional and earn more, you should improve all.