Blog comments are an integral part of social media marketing. Blog comments can improve your search engine marketing strategies, regardless of whether it’s b2b social media marketing or b2c. Blog comments have a lot of benefits for search engine optimization. They can drive qualified traffic to your website. Blog comments are an effective online marketing technique because they tend to bring more qualified and motivated traffic.

However, blog comments are also very useful and effective in building your online presence, so need to be carefully considered when designing your social media marketing strategy. Comments show readers you are passionate about the subject and you intend to contribute value. Blog comments can be a great way for businesses to build and maintain relationships with people who are experts in their field. Through their use, a business can create positive feedback and experience the benefits of social media marketing.

Before posting your comments bare in mind three basic questions that will help you focus your message:

Who am I targeting through posting my comment here?

What action do I expect from their side?

How can I make them feel confident about taking this action?

We have compiled a list of Dos and Dont’s to have in mind as to structure your comments effectively:


Embed links in the body of your comment. WordPress, for example, automatically adds a “rel=nofollow” attribute to the link, so you won’t see any impact on your web analytics.

Add a comment if you have nothing of value to add to the conversation.

Leave a comment without knowing your grammar and checking your spelling! It hurts your credibility.

Leave disrespectful or inflammatory comments.

Leave comments on every single post, or on a consistent string of posts.

Leave comments just to build up your inbound links for SEO. If you don’t add value, you will only be perceived as a spammer.


Read all the comments before leaving yours. Leave comments that are relevant and valuable to others beyond mere opinion.

Do answer questions left by other commenters.

Use your comments to hint at your expertise. Try to be subtle and skillful.

Do leave a link to your site.

Use target keywords in your “name” in your comments as well as your tagline/position.

Add insight, a new idea or a relevant link to the original blog post.

This is a list of do’s and dont’s to have in mind before posting a blog comment that will benefit your brand. Your business should consider blog comments as part of its social media strategy. We would love to hear about your experiences with blogging comments.