The definition of social media marketing today has changed dramatically. While once the scope of media marketing was limited to brand management and online identity management, it has become much more lucid today implementing the scope of business transparency and engagement.

Gone are those days when companies solely rely on flashy advertisement campaigns or press releases. Companies are more flexible to customer needs because they have less time. Competitions are too high and a business person must know how to keep in touch with his targeted customer on real time.

It’s not about just targeting the market, but targeting the individual person and offering the customers individualized treatment, often convincing them that just not their product is the best one available in the market, but their customer care and post-selling support would be unique and best compared to the competitors.

Though the extended benefit of social media has been lately explored, but it has over-taken most of the strategic marketing methods these days. Social interaction is not the only way to market your business. It also includes all major strategies such as viral marketing and social optimization. have been rightly served.

Social Media Reputation Management

With the help of social media marketing strategy, the companies now become more brand-conscious. Today’s customers value human face, and accolade business transparency and truly personalized experience.

Whenever a customer feels any sense of urgency, he must be able to interact with the business representative in almost no time and this is where the success of social media marketing lies. This strategy has allowed for a smooth transition and companies that follow it can now offer crisis management solutions in a matter of minutes.

Sales is not just about selling products. It’s also about building relationships and connecting people. This is how the modern business strategy was created. The popular businesses or brands tend to post less promotional texts in social media and more helpful texts in order to help their customers to know about their product better or the personality or essence of the company.

Microblog (Twitter) and Blog Management

Instead of spending huge bucks over advertisement campaign, now companies shifted their attention to valuable small acts and response tracking as people share their experience through social media websites in no time. It was not easy to share any experience you had with products and services in the past. Today just with the help of a few clicks, you can let the world know about your experience.

So, companies become more aware about their reputation management and they take help of micro-blogging and blogging environment. This is something that even larger companies are aware of and use Twitter micro-blogging to ensure each customer’s needs are met.

Blog management allows readers to participate in discussions whenever and wherever they wish. No matter what mode you use, your ultimate goal should be to put in place the customer relationship management policy (CRM).

Social media Schedule

If social media marketing is something you want, it’s important that you have a schedule that you can follow. This schedule must be maintained on a regular schedule. Planning a social media schedule can help you stay organized. It is up to you to decide how you manage your time and plan for the future. Here’s a template to help a beginner get started in this new era.

Tweet a little bit each day. At least once a week, socialize on Facebook. Daily bookmarks on StumbleUpon and Digg. At least one per week, create business connections over LinkedIn. You can upload photos to Flickr every day.

I have only shared a handful of strategies for social media marketing. I have only shared a few strategies of social media marketing.