
Get expert guidance from Amanda, our Senior Manager for Social Media Marketing to help you create your 2022 social marketing strategy. GRAB THE FREE TEMPLATE NOW AND FOLLOW ALONG!

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Amanda was originally a writer, and her first job title was to tweet 24 times a day. Now she is a manager for a group (that’s us!) With a total number of 9,000,000 followers.

Never made a social media strategy before? You’ll be guided through every step in building your social media strategy.
Lightning Round with Amanda at 0:00
0:26 Introduction
0:58 Step 1: Set goals (template p. 6-9)
2:08: Step 2: Get to know your customer (template, p. 10-12).
2.45: Step 3: Assess the Competition (template, pp. 13-16).
3.41. Step 4. Conducting a social media audit. Template p. 17-21
Step 5: Be inspired by brands
5.23. Step 6: Create a content calendar
6.24. Step 7. Create content and content-pillars (template, p. 22-25).
7:31: Step 8: Monitor your progress and make adjustments (template P. 26-31)
7:54 TIP BONUS: How to deal with posts that are bombing: (

You can find all the expert tips and tricks we have on our blog.

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