The video obsession is here to stay. Video is a favorite medium for users to watch and create. With software like Vine or Instagram, it is possible to create short clips. This allows users to create videos that they can share with family and friends. This is new capability in the last couple of years.

Businesses have begun to find ways to generate short clips for their audience by generating animated GIFs to attract interest. Bing now offers a preview of video on its search results. This allows users to see the entire video clip in a single view. Most websites don’t offer a video search so many of your videos go unwatched.

What is the attention span of a typical Internet user? It is less than 10 seconds. This means that you will need to show your customers a preview of multiple titles if you hope to make your site more popular. The users want to see everything quicker. Instant video preview of your video titles is what they need, to want to drill down into your video content.

Video online has been looking for new ways to drive more video views. This is Preview. Users have told us that they are looking for 10-second clips via Vine or Instagram video. This is a huge improvement over the previous years. These tools are used by Twitter and Facebook to engage users. However, they must be of high quality to engage users.

YouTube is left to adopt. The frame pop-up appeared when the user rolled over the timeline. This was their version of preview. This is more about searching for the content in the title. There is no motivation to engage the video from the get-go – just not enough information.

So, when you begin to discover how to add video preview to your website, look for a real video product that is scalable, easy to use, and placed in your site where it is easy to be found.