
Today, I will share with you my social media strategy. This will increase your reach and engagement with the most social media content. It is especially important if you are tired of sharing stuff on social media that doesn’t get any likes, shares, or engagement.

Video: How to start social media marketing (4 Essential Tips for Beginners).

Avoid these Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Social Media Marketing Made Easy: A Step by-Step Guide (article).

My first tip is to begin posting video content. They all want video content, whether it be on YouTube, LinkedIn or Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or even Twitter.

It is important to push more outside. They want to take down the TV networks.

LinkedIn has now added a live option to its site. Video is more effective than any other medium. You’ll receive a lot more engagement if your videos are posted than if they weren’t.

My channel gets four to five times the engagement if I post video content than text.

That’s it.

Second tip: Don’t worry about perfection.

Everybody is like, “Oh, I have to pose,” I have to wear makeup and I must be flawless before I can take a photo or post it.

There is no perfect solution.

Put it out there, and you’ll see what happens. Testing is the key. You should be more interested in the stuff that works.

If you don’t like something you’ve posted, it’s not a good idea to keep posting the same thing over and again. That’s exactly what you are doing now.

Many people like to post images that contain quotes. But if they don’t get traction on Facebook or LinkedIn, then stop sharing them.

You won’t get any better from them. Post good content.

Testing is all about quality. Let the process take you where it takes you.

Next, leverage micro-content.

Everybody is like “Oh, I have to go out and create content!” and then they do the whole thing.

Film your life. Your day at work. Discuss your customers and your products. Cool, you can give a speech.

Once you’ve gathered all the information, break it down into small bites, such as five-minute clips or two-minute clips.

You can add quick images and a quote to this content.

This will help you to get 3-4, 4 or 5 times as many views if you focus only on the big content.

It’s not worth focusing on one piece of content.

You can do really well if you do 10 of these, and it’ll be clear that this is the area you need to do more of, and this one you should not do as much of.

Next, what works in one social media network won’t necessarily work across all.

This is a big trend that I see right now. Everyone seems to be doing the exact same thing, posting on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Let me tell you. You won’t find the same thing on Facebook as what works on Instagram. This is a good example: I can put quotes on images and make them look great on Instagram, but Facebook won’t be impressed.

It’s important to determine what works for each social media network, and then do the same for every other network. Every algorithm is different.

Last but not least: Have your edge.

You are unique. You have something unique.

Everybody tries to appear like someone else on social media. What does it matter what other people think?

Being yourself will make you more successful than trying to appear a certain way for Instagram or YouTube or Facebook.

Your edge. Be you if you enjoy cussing. You can be me if you are nerdy and dorky like me. I release technical information because that is all I have.

Take control of your life and be yourself

These techniques will make you much more popular on social media. Your content won’t look stale, it’ll be liked, shared, and engaged with by people.

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